Short takes: Conservatism and respect


Written by: George McClellan

There are some things that are sacrosanct to American conservatives like their outspoken hero’s especially those who unabashedly challenge the political status quo as Donald Trump showed us. Slights, false rumors and the like, especially from other Republicans, no matter how trivial they may appear, will be viewed by the unwashed with deep suspicion and deep doubts, especially about the conservative bonafides of the author(s) of such disrespectful deeds.

If it is true that Ga. Governor Brian Kemp, with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey collaborated to exclude the invited Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow” CEO, from speaking at the recent GOP Governors conference in Nashville, that is feckless stupidity. How can Governor Kemp expect to keep Georgia’s governorship in Republican hands by disrespecting Georgia’s and every conservative everywhere, over their treatment of one of conservatisms hero’s? I believe we already know the reason for their action. Both governors are suspected of anti-Trump treachery during the November 2020 General election and Mike Lindell said he would bring that very issue up when he was invited to speak at the Republican Governors conference.

Lindell by invitation, arrived to the conference at his own expense, was given his speaker’s pass and ID badge, seated in the ‘next speakers’ room, then was unexpectedly “uninvited.”  The Democrat media gleefully used the term, he was “kicked out!”  Well, probably yes, but that’s just another pejorative phrase attempting to show even Republican Governors don’t respect him. Nonsense! Only two! But, back to our Governor Kemp.

Gov. Kemp, carries a heavy load. Suspected of having collaborated with China in the purchase of $170 million dollars worth of Dominion voting machines, he starts on shaky ground. He’s also suspected of malfeasance in office, either deliberately or by neglect in failing to protect the Georgia election process and President Trumps second term: for failing to order an investigation into voter irregularities in several Georgia counties, some filmed by surveillance cameras and viewed by all. Witnesses have given their sworn statements ie: evidence, and piles of ballots still remain unscrutinized by legitimate investigators.

Still reeling from President Trumps stolen re-election, Conservatives now see and understand the depth of federal government corruption. Decades have passed and it emerges that the most corrupt among them being the arms of federal law enforcement and intelligence. I do not omit the judiciary from the list of suspects either and await the new abortion rulings from the Supreme Court before making a definitive decision. But they can be had!

We read in the media that Georgia politically, is considered the most corrupt of States and if  what Kemp has done is any example it could be true. If so, it signals that a serious division still exists within the GOP, ie: the “Elites” like Gov. Kemp who want to maintain the old political status quo between the two old party’s, and the Tea Party types who don’t. In truth, there is no longer two opposite parties, only one, a corrupt one, that has grown so huge that decisions are made not by elected reps, but by those who pay the most money to there voting lackey’s. Today it’s the digital technology companies. Their powers have grown so vast they now accept their important role as our censors. The political network today, between government and industry, finds the Constitution to be an annoyance. That will soon be adjusted but they apparently don’t see it coming. What are patriots to do?  Fire up the Tea Parties again being beware of the elites trying to usurp the role again to set their own “Conservative” agenda for us. Let’s get fired up again before it’s really too late. We need real respect again. Can’t get it by just waiting. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!

Short takes: Biden’s Destructive Policies Are Just Starting


Written by: George McClellan

Government blackmail using tax payer funds is a powerful tool to encourage States cooperation whether its wanted or not. Biden now wants states to include “Critical Racist Theory” in school curriculums or the DOE will cut off states funding! What an opportunity to cut the umbilical cord to Biden’s Frankenstein monster of socialist “Woke” incursions into our American Republic.


Investment is what China does to influence their innovators to push their great leaps forward to achieve world technological hegemony over America. Presently, China sees electric automobiles and the AI tech that goes with it as their way to advance China’s world economy over America and they are indeed moving ahead of us!  Also, of some concern, China has just landed a rover on Mars. How did they achieve that? Perhaps because most of our space technology has been purloined. Remember when Pres. Clinton gave China, GAVE mind you, Hughes Aircraft ICBM Rocket guidance control systems. That was a great leap forward!


Could it also be because people like Arizona’s new Senator, Democrat Mark Kelly, former US astronaught, aerospace executive and consultant with offices in China Is also a spy for the Chinese? One wonders because he has a commendable military combat record as a naval aviator flying missions in the Middle-East and, he’s a retired US Navy Captain (06) as well.


But our woes are deeper than that. The Democrat party has long been invested in the idea of ‘equity’ but, for all who are non white, meaning everybody should enjoy the same results even if they don’t bring the same skills to the table to earn them. For example, Biden claims he has known China’s emperor Ji Jinping for years, respects him as a smart fellow, and that they have drunk champaign together: as well as sharing financial remunerations for one-way political influence.  With that, one must ask why, if Biden is so chummy with Ji Jinping, that our  Secretary of Defense, a retired black four star General, can’t even connect his phone to China’s top military counterpart? If you have listened to General Lloyd Austin speak maybe you can conclude, like the Chinese have, that its because China recognizes affirmative action officers for what they really are, a waste of time and effort. The record of his attempt is now public. An anonymous US defense official reported:


“The military relationship is strained, no question about that. It’s hard to know how much this is reflective of that strain as much as it is just Chinese intransigence,”  “But we certainly want to have a dialogue. We just want to make sure we have a dialogue at the proper level,” And, there was this painful reminder in closing that we have nothing to show for what pitiful efforts we have made: While their have not been high level military talks since Biden took office in January, senior diplomats from the two countries met in Alaska in March. Those talks bristled with rancor and yielded no diplomatic breakthroughs.”


Trump had dialogues and Ji listened! So did Kim Jung Un of No Korea. Now, nobody listens because China has Biden’s number and sees him as an incompetent as his policies are driving America into a ditch. Biden is beholden to China. Don’t forget Joe’s drug addled son Hunter, took a billion dollars or so from a Chinese business (CCP) to buy political influence. Do you suppose it worked? Of course! Look where we’re at now! Even Israel’s government won’t listen to Biden’s advice that will surely destroy them. Clearly, that speaks to how other world leaders considers Joe Biden’s leadership. The pursuit of “equity” is the sure path to the destruction of  our American Republic. Stand by for civil war. It’s coming as surely as elm blight comes in January. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!

The China Matter, A Coming Crisis in Fact, For a Decadent West


Written by: George McClellan

To know China’s history is to understand China’s motives. They do not intend to be the world’s victims anymore. President Trump got into China’s psyche with his bull in the China shop techniques of imposing tariff’s and trade limitations to return billions of dollars back into America’s coffers. Trump stayed there, at least until ‘Stumble’ Biden arrived on scene to reset the Progressives pro-China agenda, the New World Order crowd not withstanding. If there is a New World Order, it will surely be Chinese!

China owns “Stumbles” Biden and his family, Eric Swalwell and probably many others, more than we could possibly imagine outright, as we are now discovering. They own or control a lot more of America like the Hollywood movie and entertainment industry, American corporate sports programs like the NBA and the MLB, but not the PGA, yet. They have cornered the legal drug supply market having become the primary source of most of all of the world needed pharmaceuticals. They have captured the electronic manufacturing business where our indispensable yet affordable Apple iPhones are made and where chips for thousands of other electronic applications, including our military aircraft, weapons, vehicles and the power grid are also sourced. They do it cheaply, with slave labor and we don’t seem to care!  We need more shoes with flashing lights in the heels, don’t we?

Clearly, the Chinese have infiltrated all aspects of American commerce catering to the comfortable lifestyle we Westerners crave. They even provide much of the illicit drugs pouring across our southern border thanks to “Stumble” Biden’s open border policy. If anybody interfere’s, like Trump did with his cancelling of lopsided trade agreements with China then the Lefts imbedded “Woke” crowd will turn uncooperative corporations, like Delta Airlines, Coca Cola, and MLB, inside out. It’s easier to capitulate than do what’s right for America especially when the Democrat politicians are on China’s side. “We need more stuff to pacify Americans.”

How did China arrive at this point? Historically, China had studiously watched and learned how the West managed to loot and steal China’s wealth over the centuries up to WWII. It was done with overwhelming armed force, providing local populations what they wanted, and opium. The Chinese retained everything they saw and are now applying those same techniques against the US.

The first thing they learned was how greedy Western corporations were and how easy money could buy their cooperation. The willingness to be corrupt invites the very essence of its decay with excess of free money, promises of far more wealth and unending earnings for their share holders. But, there’s alway’s a catch. The corrupt corporations must share their inventive genius and copyrights with China. It’s a small thing, isn’t it, repeated over and over and over!

Patience is a Chinese virtue and they plan a century ahead. Recovering from the brutal Japanese occupation of WWII and the subsequent ouster of Chiang Kai-shek Nationalist Party in the 1950s,  Mao Zedong’s communists set about implementing Marxism on a grand scale, organizing China’s youths into brigades of “Red Guards” intent on a massive Counter Culture program to destroy old China’s historic culture to be replaced with adoration of Mao and Marxism, the new religion.

America’s youths on the other hand are no copy of the Red Guards. The Red Guards were all Chinese. America’s imitation like, but violent BLM and Antifas blowhards are composed of a diverse polyglot of races its leadership claimed by incompetent blacks whose focus, apart from spending millions of donated dollars on private homes, is simply the fun of destruction, looting and arson with the occasional murder, mostly against White Americans thrown in. Their Cancel Culture is tearing down Civil War statues and renaming schools. Interestingly, the BLM movement is really led by White Marxists radicals who appear to have some organizational and pre-planning skills while the rest are a really miserable lot of ignorant people. They will be the first groups rounded up and executed.

The Red Guards, Chinese youths all, didn’t burn down their cities, they simply organized street courts to harangue and humiliate their middle class neighbors and the merchant class. There are differences though. Impressionable Chinese youths were organized to study and memorize Mao’s “Little Red Book,” a pocket book of the thoughts of Chairman Mao. That was the guiding authority for their youthful depredations focusing on reeducation and canceling the culture of eons of Chinas history. Mao, on the other hand, set about imprisoning and murdering millions of unproductive Chinese peasants, Intellectuals, middle class businessmen and Nationalists no matter their status.

A post-Mao China, with less revolutionary fervor, turned to remaking Chinas future after Nixon and Kissinger opened the doors to trade prosperity through Capitalism with the idea that China’s government would embrace Capitalism. We thought those Wiley Chinese took the bait and the West watched in amazement as the apparent spread of capitalism took hold and China grew economically before our eyes. We just didn’t watch close enough. In the meantime, the miracle that was China was invited to participate in World Trade organizations thus opening markets everywhere. They made one or two small demands. First that Red China should replace Nationalist China (Taiwan) as one of the five permanent members of the fifteen member UN Security Council and lo, It was done and China began to grow belligerent. China, remembering its history of outside armed suppression to subdue its population, began to grow militarily as well as economically always with the idea that their main obstacle would, sooner or later, be the United States.

Too, the Chinese didn’t forget how the British used opium as a weapon to control the Chinese population. Keep ’em doped up and they will obey for another session. Today, that thinking applies to toilet paper, food and drug supplies. The Chinese, with all this history of population control under their belts, are now setting about using those lessoned learned, to subjugate the rest of the feckless world to their will.

Consequently, since the post-Nixon era and the Chinese were invited to join the World Trade Organization as equals, America has been infiltrated, targeted and looted by them of our intellectual property, military secrets, manufacturing capabilities and merchandising of products for daily use. Since then the subtle Chinese plan for world domination was set into motion, not openly, but with the cunning tools of diplomacy and trade agreements that all Marxists excel in.

When problems or disagreements occur, their standard response is to “deny everything, admit nothing and blame somebody else!”  And so it goes with the West afraid of call ’em out, until Donald J. Trump of course, who saw and understood what the Chinese were doing from his perch as a builder of world infrastructures!

The Chinese were keen students of everything the West did, from the soft rule of occupied countries such as the British conducted, to the military incursions as the West (NATO) has done. They refined the policies, methods and political techniques learned to achieve their goals. Militarily, they knew that they were incapable of confronting let alone defeating the US Navy but, from China’s centuries of internal tribal divisions, foreign occupation and exploitation by the superior military forces of Western countries, including Russia, China inevitably concluded that what worked for the West would work for China as well and they set about doing it.

China’s internal divisions ended with the arrival of the Communist leader Chairman Mao Zedong, Feudal Tribalism was crushed, the Japanese were ousted, the excess population that had to be fed but produced little or nothing of value to the new collective State, could easily be eliminated and they were by the millions. Now, fully versed on how Western countries operated, the Chinese, seeing our weaknesses, launched their continuing campaign of modernizing China, educating their children in American and European universities, joining as professors and  co-researchers in advanced science laboratories, occupied as we were with our little wars here and there against terrorism, China launched a campaign of espionage into everything the West did in the sciences, metallurgy, medicine and chemistry, stealing what they could and sending everything back to a waiting Communist China.

China subsequently arrived at the point where they could afford to turn their eyes to reconstructing a threatening military, applying stolen Western inventions and developments to quickly achieve near parity. Remember, they don’t need to use it, they only need to threaten with it to occupy our attention.

China First purchased three unfinished but rusting hulls of former Soviet aircraft carriers made redundant with the fall of the Soviet Union. But the Soviets were so far behind US Naval technology and force projection by aircraft carriers, that when the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight, the Carrier hulls appeared to be a bargain. China did launch one ex-Soviet carrier but feared it would sink in its first sea trials  Undaunted, they built their own platform with a British introduced flight deck ramp for launching aircraft. They introduced a working copy of the US F-35 aircraft with our stealth technology and many other military items bypassing years of expensive Research and Development. Readers may remember that former President Clinton gifted China with Hughes Aircraft Companies intercontinental missile pinpoint guidance system as an act of goodwill (Appeasement). Well, Americans always like to help the underdog, don’t we?

There are three methods of projecting military force: by land, sea and air. If China tried to employ any of these three methods, it would be near suicidal. Missile attacks will be seen coming, their Navy ships, unlike the Japanese in WWII, will also be observed as would bomber flights that would need to cover thousands of miles to get here undetected. Not going to happen! On the small battlefield scale, modern armies are turning to Special Forces, small stealthy teams of soldiers highly trained to infiltrate, disable and if necessary, destroy enemy sites. We’re getting good at it. The Japanese used it for centuries with their stealthy Ninja’s”

China sees it too so how better to insert an army than by stealth? I don’t mean infantry, artillery and tanks, but trained and dedicated soldiers hiding in plain sight like China towns in nearly every coastal American City.  Chinas progress in deception could be realized as early as President Carter’s term when he relinquished ownership of the Panama Canal who then sold the canal’s operation to China. Back in the 1970s or 80s, a Chinese company bought the Long Beach, Ca. Naval yard and miles of wharves. There was some outcry then but they may still have the facilities.

Today, China is growing its political and military presence worldwide by payrolls and cheap money, building for “client states,” their infrastructure and port facilities at an interest rate most small countries cannot repay. Inability to repay the debt means that China takes over their own facility operations and lo, another potential Chinese naval base at hand and not a shot fired.

For America, China has several advantages. First, it has “Stumbles” Joe Biden in its pocket. Next, China is well on is way to replacing the US Dollar, now hardly worth the paper it’s printed on, as the world’s currency. It will be digital and therefore controllable. Next, while impressive, China Naval forces is still no match for the US Navy and its land forces, if they cant be flown or shipped to an invasion, are excess to China’s needs. Finally, Chinas technological advancements, via its satellites roaming over selected targets, has the capability to shut down America’s power grid from space.

A word of caution here. I reviewed the US Navy Times publication on the internet today and what was their main concern? Sending social counselors to sea to comfort sailors away from home for their first time, ensure transgender parity for jobs and advancements and see to it that hate crimes don’t develop. We might have the strongest navy in the world, but I don’t think we really have a chance if push comes to shove against the Chinese. The Chinese navy works best as a threat. Today they threaten Taiwan with belligerent fly-overs with military aircraft, including drones, not to see what Taiwanese will do, but what Stumbles Biden will do.

I do not anticipate a Communist China attack on Taiwan until after the Winter Olympics in 2022. It’s what Russia did to Ukraine after their winter Olympics and it worked there as well. As far as Taiwan is concerned, Communist China already has its special forces in place there. They all look just like Taiwanese.

The greatest threat to America is not the Chinese army but the Democrat Party associated with the corrupt media and America’s greedy corporations who will allow them to overtake and subvert us from within, and all for profits.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, let’s go get ’em!

Letter to President Biden

Citizens Speak, Opinion
Written by: Cindy Glueckert
Mr. Biden,
When did you become KING! I’ve lived for 72 years in the greatest, most productive land of the FREE-a republic like no other-yet, you’ve signed more Executive Orders in your 3 months in office than any President in history. Do you not realize that we have a Congress, we have 3 equal branches of government that work together to make, pass, and rule on laws for this country? You seem to think that any time Congress does not agree with your ideas, you should by-pass Congress-write your own laws, sign your own Executive orders. You, sir, are not a King, not a dictator! We have laws, we have a Constitution in this country. Your party, Democrats, now want to eliminate any persons, ideas that don’t agree with their form of government. That’s what most of us call Socialism. You scream to the Heavens whenever someone calls you a Socialist, telling us “Do I look like a Socialist”! Yet, you now think you RULE this country-THAT’S NOT DEMOCRACY! You are now trying to dictate to this country, NOT govern. You by-pass Congress, our laws, our Constitution and tell us you have that right. No, sir, you do not have the right to take this country down! You do not have the right to RUIN the greatest nation on earth!
You will probably never read this letter! Your Progressive handlers will see to it that you never hear the words of the American people. You even said in your first, pathetic press conference that Republicans agree with you-NO, sir, they don’t! You’re not the moderate you’ve pretended to be. You’ve allowed your handlers/progressives to make the rules-you just sign them-It’s called an “empty suit”! You allow that to happen! Executive Orders to by-pass Constitutional Law is not how this country is governed. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY-OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE-remember those words, Mr. Biden! You, your party work for us, supposedly! Quit taking our freedoms, our rights away!
Mr. Biden, I live in Georgia. You have lied continuously about the new GA voting laws which require Voter ID. We have ID for every important thing in our lives from entering college to getting on an airplane, to getting a mortage or a bank loan, but YOU lie about the very intricacies of this law. Voter fraud is rampant in this country-why would you deny the use of ID’s? Your lies led to the pull-out of the MLB All-Star Game costing our state millions, costing minorities/small businesses in Atlanta millions! These are people that helped put you in office!
Your spending is out of control. The cost of your monsterous spending bills will be passed down to our children and grandchildren-YOUR children and grandchildren. The newest, supposed infrastructure bill is a JOKE with less than 30% being used for actual infrastucture. Your BORDER policy is inhumane, destroying border cities and causing a crisis like never before seen in the history of this country! Why are you trying to destroy this country? What happened to your promise for UNITY? You preached unity, civility in your debates/Inauguration Address but continue to pass bills by Democrats ONLY! That’s not UNITY, it’s called Socialism! We’re more divided NOW than EVER and YOU and Mr. Obama can take the blame for that!
Your actions in 3 short months have been reprehensible! You want to dictate, go somewhere else! This is the greatest, most democratic country in the world! Please let it continue to be so!
Cindy Glueckert

Short Takes – Proprietary Government?


Written by: George McClellan

We stand back in amazement as we watch the former American Democrat Party, morph into an anti-American organ of Marxist propaganda, rushing to change a free land of hope and opportunity into a squalid facsimile of failed socialist states everywhere. And we wonder why we’ve let them and what can be done about it. To attempt to explain why Democrat politicians behave the way they do, it is to understand that Democrats, now totally socialist, firmly believe it is their “Proprietary Right” to govern America and that people who think in terms of Constitutional law and order, due process and fair play are now, or should be, classified as domestic terrorists and therefore “Enemies of the State” and, that any attempt to deny them their claimed right must be dealt with harshly, definitively and permanently as lessons to other patriots that patriotism has been redefined and it is in our best interest to stay in line and obey. Democrats are peeling away our rights to due process and the consent of the governed.

Donald J. Trump’s 2016 victory was the greatest single political shock to the Democrats nervous system ever, and the unintended fallout by their dysfunctional, often violent reaction to Trump’s presidency, revealed their true nature, open and hostile feelings toward our Constitutional form of Representative government, It was there for all to see. Democrats’ reaction to their loss of power revealed unprecedented levels of bureaucratic criminality, especially at the highest levels of the federal government, the FBI, DoJ, ODNI, IRS and CIA, and the bureaucracies embedded with Obama’s fellow travelers. Complicit in the Marxists internal attacks against America’s constitutional transfer of power stands the mainstream media, conspiratorial propagandist for Marxism, and active participants in the destruction of law and order. If they win, reimagine policing in the form of fascist police agencies found in socialist countries everywhere.

Being revealed for what they are, real traitors to America, and seizing the 2020 presidential election by theft, fraud, and malfeasance, they don’t yet have the power to cancel the 2022 elections so, stand in fear of an overreaction by America’s patriots that just might sweep them out of power again, a loss prospect they have no intention of repeating. To ward that possibility off, the Democrats village idiot, Joe “Stumbles” Biden is propped up at his teleprompter and spouts out lies and nonsense about protecting the second amendment (2A) while talking about “gun control” phrasing that subject as a National Health issue, never mind the real national health issue of thousands of diseased illegals storming our southern borders. Disease be damned, they will be good democrat voters in 2022. Remember, Democrats firmly believe they have a “Proprietary” right to govern America and all’s fair in any techniques used to keep it.

The Democrat’s main weapon against lawful Americans is the fear of being labeled “racists” if we disagree with their agenda that White America is systemically racists. Ergo, the Democrats, through their thuggish goon squads, BLM and Antifa, take issue with every police vs, criminal shooting, demand murder convictions or they’ll destroy the cities. The righteousness of their screams for revenge against law and order is born out by the fact they’ve actually been doing it unopposed for the past two or so years. So, keep your guns, they are coming for ’em!

What can be done about it? Yesterday my wife and I attended our county’s GOP precinct and county convention, events that normally draw enough people you can count on two hands. Yesterday, 113 pissed-off conservatives were in attendance. Next month is the district convention followed by the State convention in June. This does not mean attendees were pro-Republican. Not at all! They were pro constitutional Americans who wanted the party returned to American Conservatives and 2nd amendment protections to fend off demented democrats!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go do something!

Short Takes: What’s with this kinder and gentler immigration business?


Written by: George McClellen

“Kinder and gentler: Republicans soften tone on migrant crisis” This headline is from the Washington Examiner, dated 02 April 21 and is a prime example why the National Republican Party seriously needs an enema before they do any more damage. The first paragraph starts: “With few exceptions Republicans haven’t softened their position on the border (but, yes, they have)! They mostly blame Biden for attracting this migrant surge by signaling to the world that it would be easier to enter and remain in the United States once he took office.” What are Republicans proposing to do about it? A few GOP Senators went to the border but only Ted Cruz spoke up. Except for those very few, GOP politics look like they are returning to the old normal. By the tone of the above headline it seems the GOP is rushing back to embrace pre-Trump politics as usual, i.e.: kicking the can down the road without contesting the Democrat agenda. It shows coordination from the GOP and elite leadership and why they have not grasped the reason why the hated President Donald Trump was elected in the first place.

The first paragraph continues: A statement from the Republican National Committee (RNC) said: “Biden’s open borders agenda created this crisis in the first place, and now Biden is doubling down on the same destructive policies.” “We know what these policies will lead to, a further surge, a worsening crisis, and a continuing boom time for smugglers, gangs and traffickers, and Biden is to blame.” Republicans can talk, talk, talk looking like they and doing something but don’t expect them to do anything positive or go on record to stop this invasion.

Doing so might interrupt the comity of the DC cocktail circuit. The news article features Biden but Biden is a nobody. He’s an admitted crook, a sad creature now entering the mysterious realms of dementia concentrating on how he can mount stairs without stumbling. The total anti-American Communist government (Democrats) now holding the reins of federal power are intent on Americas social and economic conversion to socialism before 2022 lest Americans should wake up and conservative winners stop their treasonous criminality.

We know the surge of illegal migrants are mostly peasants seeking employment, not asylum seekers fleeing from anarchy. Many are criminal cartel smugglers of sex slaves, drugs and children. If a column of well fed (fat actually) immigrants, many with smart phones clutched in their chubby hands are coming here by invitation, then Biden’s claims of why he opened the border rings hollow. It begs the real reason why these well fed and well clothed illegals are really coming here: Because Democrats need voters and Republicans still think cheap labor. will keep them in office. So, what’s with this “kinder and gentler” nonsense?

For Republicans, the growing home building industry, where cheap labor (illegals) will sorely be needed, has the opened spigot of tax money they can share in as well, and maybe they can blame the Democrats. We can see the manipulative hand of big business capitalists of the New World Order crowd salivating at the prospects of a One World Government with them in charge.

For Democrats, I suspect it’s because Biden, Pelosi and Schumer know they have only a short window of opportunity to loot the US Treasury with their $1.9 trillion dollar Covid bill, followed by a $2 trillion bill under the guise of Infrastructure spending, then a $4 Trillion tax hike to pay off all failed bankrupt Blue State union retirement schemes. Sen Tom Cotton (R-Ar) has apparently laid up a proper bill requiring migrants seeking asylum: “to apply for protection before making the dangerous trek to our southern border.” Well, that’s a start! By the way, where’s the US Supreme Court? Don’t they have a dog in this fight like believability, trust, honor and integrity to
preserve? If the Supremes fail us, what do we have left? Nada!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Here We Go Again, But This Time We Have an Opening

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By George McClellan


The 2020 election is barely over and for Republicans the 2022 race has already begun. Senator Rick Scott, former Governor of Florida is in my opinion, an effective conservative politician. He certainly was a good Governor in his day and deserves recognition for that. But now, he’s Co-Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and lends his name as such, for raising campaign funds for Republican senatorial candidates for 2022. That’s good, but with this caveat: they had better be Trumps candidates because whether Sen Scott realizes it or not, it is Trumps Republican Party. I mention that only because the literature sent to me by the RNSC under Sen Scotts name, failed to even mention President Trump at all. 


The NRSC has for a long time, acted as a junior charter member of the Deep State supporting candidates that have already been in so long their arteries have ossified, or new ones who can’t wait to join the Elites Club and get wealthy. Until I see and recognize that they no longer support the “Elite” Republican Establishment, the RNSC will not be gifted with any donations from this Conservative, It’s the same old endless game, “they promise, we pay and then they’ll do what they want.”


I hope Sen Scott has not been in the DC swamp long enough to have become so mired in its anti-American corruption that he can’t see the way the conservative winds are blowing for the party. He may indeed be a Conservative but he’s also a Republican Senator and for the NRSC to appeal for funds under his name suggests that their fund raising efforts from the base, is woefully lacking and they’re appealing to Conservatives like me, to help refill their coffers.  I was congratulated on being “unanimously selected by my peers” to lead the effort to win back a Republican Senate majority in the next election. Wow, I’m so honored. Then, they presented me with their BS national agenda ballot, every question designed to be “yes” for Republicans as opposed to the Democrat Socialist agenda where every question was to be checked off with a resounding “No.”  I get that, but it’s a useless exercise that’s not fooling many of us. 


I agree, it’s important that the House and Senate be returned to Conservative hands, not necessarily Republican ones, in order to put a stop to the Communist highjacking of America, trashing our constitutional protections and our government by representation in the name of the New World Order. Believe me, we’ll rarely see the term New World Order but what these Democrat Party clowns haven’t grasped yet is that Joe Biden is China’s emperor Ji Jingping’s ‘the merciless’ puppet agent and the New World Order, if it gets here, will quickly become Chinese.


But, I stray from my point, the necessary revitalization of the Republican party. Presently, a significant number of Deep State Republican “Establishment Elites,” long term Senators who have exceeded their shelf life, have decided to turn in their union cards and will either retire or not seek reelection. That brave band of courageous leaders include: Roy Blunt, 71, of Missouri, Ohio’s Rob Portman, 65, Richard Shelby, 86, of Alabama, Pat Toomey, 53, of Pennsylvania and Richard Burr, also 65, of No Carolina. Regrettably, we do not see the names of Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, Utah’s Mitt Romney, or Susan Collins of Maine on that august list.


Trump Republicans had better realize that those soon to be vacant seats, plus several others to be challenged, will be seriously targeted by Democrats. But, we have an opening here so, proper vetting of real Conservative candidates by state parties is essential. Leadership of those State GOP party organizations that tend to the “establishment” should be removed at the County, District and State Conventions. Now is the time for Party brutality, not after the show is over and the Communists have won again. We need fighters, a La Donald Trump, not wimps to carry the load for 2022. When we win, then we can help President Trump finish his mission to drain the swamp in 2024 and MAGA! 


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go organize and let’s win back America. The alternative is unthinkable!  (30Mar21)

Kamala’s View of Veterans……..MUST READ

Opinion, Politics

Submitted By George McClellan


The creature in this piece could very well become Chief Executive of the United States. She wasn’t wanted, even by her own party, being the first candidate to drop out of the Democrat race for the presidency yet, here she is ready and prepared to complete theObama’s Marxist takeover of the US when Dumbo Biden finally falls down and breaks his crown for sure.

Short Takes – Two Weeks

Opinion, Politics

Written and Submitted By: George McClellen


Americans have been conned by the outrageous lies of Democrats. Within two weeks America will know if it will remain the beacon of hope for all people or will we slide into the abyss of third world violence, totalitarism and slavery. True Americans are not going to allow Democrats with their mail in ballot schemes to ruin our country. Americans will not accept demented Joe Biden who would soon die, leaving Marxist Kamala Harris as President. No one wanted her! 


Americas accepted values of civility were inexorably altered in Minneapolis, Mn, when Floyd George, a black two-bit thief, robber, fraudster and drug user, died at police hands while being arrested for passing a counterfeit twenty. Democrats saw an opportunity and went crazy elevating this thug to Saintly status, eulogizing  his worthless life in funerals in three different cities. The “pity show” for poor Floyd George went on for days and gullible Americans, thinking they could assuage their whiteness, sent in thousands of dollars to a cadre of Marxist revolutionaries, mostly white morons, whose aim is to overthrow the United States of America and replace it with fascism.


What happens then? Fascism of course!  We’ve already experienced multiple robberies and street violence to show respect and deep grief for the unlamented George. Violence swept the US and then went world wide into a planed and coordinated attack against western values. Nobody was left untouched. Black as well as white businesses were looted and burned, counter protests were quickly shut down with violence by Antifa’s, Police ordered to stand down and streets cordoned off from fire and medical aid and, the murders of eighty-nine policemen.


The most useless presidential candidate ever to take the field, Joe Biden, fell to his knees and wept. Whose got a violin? I’ll turn the weepy pages. So did the wicked old lady of the House, and her silly looking cohorts of Progressive sympathizers, wearing bits of African cloth around their necks, presumably to show solidarity with poor George Floyd. All lies!


Americans are beyond reasoning with these people. They lie! It’s in their DNA and they cannot stop themselves. They are products of the teachings of now long dead Socialists like John Dewey, Betty Friedan. William James, Alfred Kinsey, Aldous Huxley Benjamin Bloom, B.F.  Skinner, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Saul Alinsky, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Roger Baldwin and many others whose wicked philosophies are borne out on our streets today.


Joe Biden is a cannon ball on a pitching deck for Democrats. Even with a Teleprompter and aides standing at his elbow, he can’t get it right. He refuses to answer questions about his son, Hunter Biden’s wealthy involvement with both the Ukraine and China; denies having even consulted with Hunter on any of these issues and even in the face of irrefutable evidence, denies any wrong doing.


Democrats are totally corrupt! Everything to them is politics for power and they’ll sign on with the devil to get it. Speaking of which, lurking in the wings is China’s Emperor Ji jingping, aided and abetted by Hunter Biden who sold his fathers influence as VP to Americas enemies for millions. 

This is the epitome of the Deep State Swamp that president Trump has promised to drain. They are fighting back with lies, lies and more lies and yet, we see no movement in the Halls of Justice to bring these creatures to book! We’re two weeks away from a reckoning. If they win, Joe and Hunter may be the richest men in America, lackeys to Emperor Ji Jingping.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get angry! (18Oct20)

What’s In Our Political Future?

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By George McClellan


We have good news and bad news. The good news is that several RINO Senators, Richard Burr (R-NC), Rob Portman (R-OH), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Dick Shelby (R-AL) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) have all decided their usefulness as conservative politicians isn’t working. Some say their retirements will deal a major blow to the Republican establishment’s inner circle.


By God, I hope so! The bad news is I don’t see Mitt Romney’s name on that list. The operative notion in the above paragraph is the “Establishment Republicans inner circle.”  What got these people into an “inner Circle?” Longevity in office? Because they are good guys or better statesmen? Naw, I don’t think so. It’s because they were willing to go along to get along. 

These people, allegedly supporters of Republican Conservative principals, whose primary concern as Republicans was to Keep America Great, support their constituents and protect the American way, went astray! Their less than conservative voting records betray them!


They joined hands across the aisle with the Americas Cancel Culture party (Marxists) intent on just the opposite, Americas destruction. What possible blow to the Republican Party can their departures bring? None! With friends like those who needs enemies? The board is being swept clean of their type and so shall it be! They must be replaced with real conservatives.


What kept them there? Invitations to the cocktail circuit? When in power, committee or sub-committee chairmanships, bribery or other monetary rewards? Joe Biden made influence peddling a lucrative art form. Many Republicans apparently learned from his success, sought to ride the crest of Deep State security and monetary reward and now find themselves suddenly incapable of facing the growing fascism menace that the Progressives are throwing at ’em.  


Not many people who want to get involved in government have Donald Trumps deep business insight into the decadent human behavior that draws other people into the sphere of the deep state Oligarchs. In Congress today the numbers can’t be counted on both hands. Jim Jordan comes to mind as does the fiery Marjory Taylor Greene. Ranking Republican McCarthy is the keeper of the House’s elite establishment Republicans and that remains ethereally fungible. 


As Pelosi’s Congress hasn’t yet risen above the level of her obsession with Trump Derangement Syndrome, passing anti-American spending bills to bankrupt America and scaring the nation with fears of horrible new Covid strains lurking just over the horizon, is not a good platform for the newest Republican women just elected, to start their own individual voting records. 


The Democrat Party is evil. Pelosi wants to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene completely from Congress because of her feisty denouncement of her Marxists programs destroying America, but not remove Eric Swallwell for being a Chinese spy or worse, a Chinese dupe, a fellow traveler who can be appealed to by his carnal desires for Fang – Fang and other honey traps. 


On the State level, two Blue State governors, Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, three if we count Virginia’s Gov. Northern who refused to resign, still stubbornly run their states like dictators and all three have been challenged for being either being politically incorrect, ie: inappropriately touching women, killing thousands of seniors, or simply ruining their States GDP into the dirt. Who replaces these corrupt people when the time comes? Conservatives better start looking for more Donald Trumps and Marjory Taylor Greens. They’re out there, Remember, keeping our freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Mar21)

Short Takes – “There is No Such Uncertainty as a Sure Thing”


written by: George McClellan


The title quote is attributed to the revered Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796)! The truth of his statement has been borne out multiple time since his day, encompassing the defeat of the Axis in WWII and, no more obviously than the 2016 presidential election when all the poll pundents, the expert media prognosticators and Democrat hangers-on predicted with absolute certainty that America would be blessed with a Hillary Clinton presidency. “Oh, Joy, Rapture!” The smartest woman in the world to become Americas first woman president & etc, Give us a break!


The uncertainty then was wondering why Democrats would support the worlds smartest woman Hillary Clinton, as a candidate while under investigation by the FBI for multiple felonies, and believing the FBI, DoJ, CIA & IRS were fair and honest, believed in the Constitution and would send the miscreant to jail. Then, they let the rat out of the trap and with the certainty of fanatic devotees to Beelzebub, that she would never see the inside of a prison except possibly to visit Comey, Brennan, McCabe and Strzok, they sought to resurrect their version of the Communist Manifesto yet again in the sure and certain hope their corrupt deep state activities would fade away and they could resume their coup against America’s President. It hasn’t happened yet!


Four years later we’re faced with that exact same uncertainty, oh, not from Trump supporters, flyover country deplorable’s, prospering Americans of African descent or working Latinos, but from Democrats who have gone into melt down wondering how they could have possibly put up the weakest nincompoop in the Democrat Party as their candidate against a virtual eating machine of incompetent performers, Donald Trump who is prepared to devour their whole scheme and candidate too! What’s now certain is to win they’re going to have to cheat and   they are good at it!


It’s not difficult to guess what the Democrats have in mind to steal the presidency from the most successful political leader since General George Washington, and turn America into a slobbering country of social misfits whose survival depends on what the State gives ’em! It’s already started with the mail in ballots. How does that work and still ensure honesty? I don’t know.  Ask a Democrat. I do know this. While on our recent vacation trip to Wyoming, we met a vacationer from Texas who told us he had already received, unsolicited, four mail in ballots from Ohio and two from Illinois, states he has never visited let alone lived in! He thought he would fill ’em all in for Trump and send ’em back like a good voter would.

Conservatives do have a big problem. We’re still attached to the Republican party and while the Democrat party doesn’t really know what it is or wants with contending factions pushing any moderates to the far left, the Republicans still have RiNO’s and anti-Trumpers sitting on their hands hoping Trump will fail and they are not seen as helping the Marxists in that failure. Sen. Susan Collins, (R-Ma) is as flakey as they come and desperately needs to be replaced, but now Conservatives are almost forced into helping her win another term as a RiNO moderate just to keep the GOP’s senate count above 50%. And if she does win there is still no certainty that she even recognizes the dangers facing our Constitutional Republic.  Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski is another goofball RiNO that has to go, sooner rather than later, but right now, alas, she’s a Senate Republican vote if she knows how to use it. If clueless Joe is the best they got, and he wins, we’re all in trouble. If you want a hint on Joe’s oncoming dementia, watch this recent video for a while: Then, remember who’s behind him, the first drop-out of the Democrat primary, super marxist Kamala Harris.  Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em? (11Oct20)                        

BLM and the Coming Danger


By stealth and design, America, over the past five decades has allowed itself to be enveloped in the soothing fog of socialism where its corrosive philosophy has been allowed to incubate in our public schools until ultimately, it has let loose the legions of corrosive thinking cretins, BLM’s, now attacking and burning our towns and cities, indeed our Americanism disguised as peaceful protesters but, anarchists all. The scary thing is that these people are for most part, Americans.


I am slightly confused. I always thought that BLM identified the Bureau of Land Management, a government quasi law enforcement entity to protect Americas wide open spaces and Indian reservations. I was alarmed when BLM got directly involved against private enterprise when they assumed a Nevada rancher, the Bundy family, were in violation of some land use rules empowering them, the BLM, to seize Bundy’s cattle without due process. This occurred under a Democrat government when then House Speaker Harry Reid, wanted the land Bundy used for cattle grazing to sell to a renewable energy company to install solar collectors. That constituted an Executive Action requiring a legal punishment, (theft of Bundy’s cattle), an unconstitutional act, unless they got away with it. They didn’t, and that part of the story died. Also quickly ignored was the singular fact that armed American citizens confronted the BLM usurpers and prevailed.


In any event, we are now confronted with a different BLM, hoards of black clad young, mostly white Americans, organized or not, volunteering for political reasons or for pay, to support the BLM group of self styled and admitted Marxists who are determined to bring America down. 


As this lot runs around city streets and cafes attempting to humiliate dining patrons, it is more an  expression of Maoism than Marxism. In any event, their mission is the same, destroy America. A shocking video interview of a young white male with a plastic face shield truthfully answering the interviewer’s questions, admitted that capitalism had to be overthrown and replaced by  socialism. By his attitude he thought it was an event sure to happen. Where did he get such anti-American ideas? From the revisionists of American history, in the Common Core syllabus indoctrinating its neophytes about how rotten America has been to people of color, to the poor and the undocumented immigrants swarming here for a better life, free of charge of course! 


America’s long and successful exercise in representative government, where decorum between contending ideas, (except for the Civil War period), even with those that clearly flouted the US Constitution, were argued out in the public domaine with a basically honest media reporting the results, not trying to make them. All that has been washed away with the corrupting marriage between commerce and government, the source of the vast pot of easy cash endlessly flowing to buy the votes of politicians. That’s one step away from Fascism, Mussolini’s idea that one can keep his business so long as his business produces what government tells him to produce. 


Nobody could seriously believe that Joe Biden is up 16 points over Donald Trump except CNN who said so. That’s a fear inducing tactic! What is happening is a post Trump Leftist scheme to give us two choices in what government, we will have, Fascism or Communism, aka: Socialism. To Democrats, it really makes no difference because both concepts are Far Left and will only survives under the heel of Totalitarian, protected by a police state. 


Mostly, Americans now live comfortably adjusting to deflation and inflation, lower interests rates and affordable fuel and food prices. That comfort could soon end and Conservative Americans must be prepared for two choices, give in or water the roots of the Liberty Tree. 

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, let’s get awesome! (06Oct20)

George Orwell’s New Speak and Other Nonsense

Opinion, Politics

Written and submitted by George McClellan


The more things change the more they stay the same, not necessarily so, but old words and phrases once used by radical elements in pre-Soviet Russia to define and vilify who they were against, have simply become new words and phrases in pre-Maoist Americas meaning exactly the same thing with the same end in view, collectivization and complete state control. The only difference being, they are talking to new audiences, our past two generations of lost young Americans. We saw it coming, we were warned and we still let it happen: Antifa’s & BLM!


In Russia’s revolution of 1917, the term “Class Struggle,” was coined to represent the fight by the Marxist Proletariat (workers and soldiers), against the Bourgeois (royals, land owners, farmers & industrialists). That term today has been remolded to “Cancel Culture,” a “Woke” attack against Americas middle class; instead of peasants & soldiers, versus producers, we’ve been relegated by our betters through hate and envy, into separate class structures as victims, the easier for Marxists to either glorify and raise or vilify, demean and ultimately destroy, according to the “New Speak” theme of the Day!  It changes daily!


Case in point, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, a tough talking, in your face, git’er done blowhard Italian politician, once the darling of the Democrat Party destined for Presidential greatness, his legacy alas, now in tatters because the “Woke” crowd has deemed him a liability and no longer an asset. Cuomo strayed from the strict Marxist path, exposed himself to compromising ridicule and now faces the fate of George Orwell’s poor hapless citizen, Winston Smith. Cuomo will probably not get a bullet in the back of his head, but will suffer a life forever in obscurity, unsung, unloved and destined to become a pitiful example of failing to adhere to strict Marxist dogma. Any Democrat who strays is expendable to Party discipline, except idiots and sexual predators who become President. They will be protected! Cuomo will go down fighting, but he will go down. The Democrat Motto: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else” didn’t work!  Cuomo tried but failed and to Big Brother, failure is not an option. Womanizing is okay just so long  as you don’t get caught at it. Let the Party provide your sexual entertainment, Don’t seek it yourself, it’s not prudent, and as often fatal!


In the time of Rome’s greatest peril, encircled as they were by Barbarians, Visigoths and Huns, the feckless Roman emperor’s produced Circus’s and bloody entertainments to pacify its citizens so they wouldn’t notice their treasury being squandered by frivolity, unproductive enterprises and worst, leaving unpaid soldiers to fume. We see this right now with Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion spending bill (forget Biden, he’s nothing). This is all Pelosi and Schumer doing the bidding of the corporate New World Order crowd. Not to forget, China is sitting on the horizon patiently bidding its time, ready to become the masters of the New World Order.


Speaking of circus’s, how did Megan and Harry suck the air out of such really pressing news items as he border crisis with Biden’s invited disease laden, unskilled peasant wannabe laborers crashing our borders to infect our American culture while receiving free stimulus money, housing and healthcare to boot? The Party of Pelosi and Schumer fed billions of our treasury dollars into failed Blue States and Blue City coffers to restore their bankrupt union pension funds while other unAmerican distractions, like legitimizing sexual perversions, damaging real women’s rights, and worst, leaving unaddressed the threats our protectors of society, policemen, firemen and soldiers must endure all while still trying to pacify us citizens with circus type entertainments so we don’t see the coming disaster! Megan & Harry be damned! Americans have got to get their heads out of their arse’s and Democrats out of Govt.!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (10Mar21)

That Damn Vaccine, My Body, My Choice!

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By George McClellan


A news headline reports: “Vaccination can end the coronavirus but public has to be willing to change its pandemic ways.” I wish to speak to that. Willingness to participate is based on trust and the rogue Marxist government of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer, hardly instills trust. If Americans are unwilling to participate, then they must be forced to comply.


Biden is tossing out the term “mandate” as it applies to wearing these ineffective masks to hopefully, prevent the spread of the China Virus. But we also see the idea of a ‘mandate” being extended to include these experimental vaccines that may, or may not be useful but could be harmful to the one’s submitting to it. The very term “Mandate” rests on the utilitarian principal that: “the right course of action is that which serves the best interests of the greater number of people” or, as Karl Marx framed it: “From you according to your ability, to you according to your need.” In other words, what can you do for the State?


For the American Marxist party today (Democrats), that implies Collectivism, “Can’t we all just get along?” Unity, or getting along as Democrats term it, means submission to their dogma, without compromise or discussion. The word ‘Islam’ by the way, means submission!  Fifty percent of free thinking Americans have not yet condemned themselves to become slaves to the State. We can still ‘opt out’ as they say. The pro abortion crowd likes to proclaim: “My body, my choice!” Does that not also apply to having ones body injected with foreign substances that nearly half of Americans don’t trust or want, or does it only apply to pregnant women coerced into agreeing with infanticide simply to solve their problem of making a poor decision? If this untested experimental drug is so wonderful, why should it be mandated? 


Ask yourselves these questions: (1) If you are vaccinated, can you still spread the CV-19? The Quick Answer is: Yes! (2) How long does the experimental vaccine last? Ans:they don’t know! (3) The CDC has confirmed that some re-infections have occurred after vaccination. True or false? Ans: True!  (4) Does the experimental vaccine provide an immunity stronger than natural immunity? Ans: They don’t know! (5) Will re-vaccination be required if the experimental vaccine mutates to evade the vaccines intended purposes? (6) Is there the slightest outside chance that the rNA experimental vaccine can alter or affect ones own DNA to create illnesses in the future or even turning folks into creepy transgenders or worse? Just asking! You might think up more questions yourself.


Collected statistics reveal a close 50-50 split between those Americans eagerly wanting to infect themselves with the experimental vaccine and as many who ardently refuse to do so. Consider this important number, one that is rarely discussed publicly: if the deaths of nearly 500,000 (half a million) Americans can be attributed to the China Virus, including a Florida motorcycle rider in a collision and a passel of gang hoodlums in Blue cities for CV-19 related lead poisoning, how does that explain why the 1.3 Million folks who died here last year of Tuberculosis (TB) not trigger a pandemic? I don’t recall a mask wearing mandate being required for that epidemic, do you? No matter, most of ’em were illegal immigrants from south of the border anyway welcomed here by Obama and Joe so they don’t really matter, do they? Well, they matter to me because that’s what’s about to flow over our open southern border under China Joe Biden again, thousands of disease ridden human beings welcomed into our country so they can vote Democrat. And that’s a big reason why Americans don’t trust government with their money, with their medicine or with their lives. But, all was exposed by Donald J. Trump. The Deep State is a vast cesspool of ignorant puppets run by puppet masters above to preserve itself!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Feb21)

Short Takes – A Debate or a Free For all?


Written and Submitted by: George McClellan

To start off with, I couldn’t tell if I was watching a found copy of a lost Marx Brothers film or a cartoon rerun of Elmer Fudd chasing that wascally wabbit!  With that, I’ll admit I’m totally for Donald Trump. I’ve witnessed the miracle of his take no prisoners leadership of Americas prosperity and economic growth; how he handles foreign policy to Americas favor, his restoration of our military and his savvy business approach to management of the dysfunctional corrupt government he inherited and the efforts of elements of that corrupt government to pull him down. That includes Joe Biden. The first debate was really on trivial matters already in the public domain. It was in fact, a waste of time.


Having said that, a couple of points also need to be made. First, I wondered why Trump even bothered to debate Joe Biden because Joe’s history of gaffs, misstatements, false innuendos political failures, self-enrichment and outright lies, as he so cunningly demonstrated in last nights debate, should have rendered any such debate mute and not worth sparing over. We all already know what the issues are and the position of both candidates on them. The best advice ever given to me was never to argue with an idiot because idiot will bring you down to his level and beat you to death with his experience. Didn’t happen last night though.


The Leftist media will give Joe high marks for standing up to and “trashing” Donald Trump, and claim that Trump was still lying. Well, that might have worked once but most folks today have caught on to the MSM and don’t believe ’em anymore. Besides, every possible issue that could be debated was spit out onto that stage last night. 


The Left hates Donald Trump because he’s ruined their gig!  Joe hotly claimed he was “the Democrat Party,” not Bernie Sanders or AOC, and even raised his voice to emphasize the point, He denied that he supported AOC and her Green New Deal, when he’s on record for doing exactly that. Leave it to good ol’ Joe to bring mediocrity to a new low level of mendacity.


What did surprise me was that Joe even consented to debate but on issues only important to the Left! Nobody cares about global warming or the US rejoining the Paris Climate Accords because everybody now knows that the Paris Accords were nothing more that a New World Order scam to fleece Western countries, especially the US, out of trillions of dollars to support, you guessed it, the new world order. 


Speaking of global warming, Trump was correct when he said the US is the cleanest country in the world for low carbon emissions, pointing out China, India and other countries were major contributors of green house gas emissions. I was disappointed that Trump did not include the four hundred, more or less, active volcanos around the world spewing their toxic poisons into the atmosphere every minute, and dismissing outright the whole concept of human accountability as unscientific nonsense.


Of course the timing of Trumps latest Supreme Court pick took some fire but that didn’t last long because, as Trump said, he was President and, to quote a recent past President, Barak Obama: “Elections count. I won, you lost.”  Biden’s response was that the American People should have a voice in a SCOTUS nomination. Well, they did, in 2016! End of story.


I was especially amused when Joe tried to capture Trumps economic miracle as his own by claiming the Obama-Biden administration left a thriving economy for Donald Trump when we all know the Obama-Biden economy was moribund with slow to nearly non-existent growth, high black and Latino unemployment and lost jobs going abroad. 


Other issues of importance to the Left were Trumps Tax returns. He’s under audit all the time and pay’s taxes in the millions. For me, I’m not worried about a billionaire becoming President, I worry about how a mere politician enters Congress and becomes a millionaire. Nobody asked Joe if the paid his taxes on his Ukraine investment or on Hunter Biden’s billions from China. Joe got right defensive over Trump bringing up the matter of his corrupt kid, but, it had to be asked. 


Trump also started the revitalization of the military including cancelling out Obama’s scheme to re-educate white Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airman about the unhealthy effect of their racism because of their white privilege. OMG!


In short, Joe Biden rarely answered a direct question but framed his answers in the tedious talking points we hear daily. Remarkably Joe would not utter the words Law and Order. If he did, AOC would cast a spell on him causing his tongue to shrivel up and fall out. 


Well, it was a good show I suppose. The suave Mr. Chris Wallace of Fox News, managed to maintain some control but not decorum. Trump isn’t a decorum man. Hit him and he hits back! Lie about him and he’ll correct the offender then and there. It was a Marx Brothers or the Three Stooges show, but it was entertaining. Take your pick!


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (29Sep20)


Short Takes – Its Time to Get In Front of the Enemy!

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By: George McClellan


By all appearances it seems the Marxists Democrats are near achieving their goal of destroying American capitalism to replace success with the endearing misery of top down government collectivism. They have been working toward this goal for over three decades and are gaining momentum because we ignored what they taught in our schools and they didn’t.  Now our streets are awash with a generation of youths who hates America and actively work for its destruction firm in the belief that Socialism is superior to Capitalism and should be the true and lasting government for all America. Little do they know the woe that is coming if they succeed!


As pro American citizens we can no longer react after the fact to the loss of our constitutional freedoms, but work to get ahead of the Left’s continuing assault on the standards that made America great. It appears to be an overwhelming task but it needs to be faced. Everybody needs to get involved. Currently we cannot rely on the Republican Party. We must look elsewhere but, a third party is not the answer. Conservatives must retake the Republican party. 


One wonders why there is still a fence around Wash. DC and 6000 National Guard soldiers standing around looking menacing? Democrats want to demonstrate by the image of fear, that there is a vast right-wing conspiracy of domestic terrorists, white right-wing weirdo’s like Oath Keepers and numerous others, composed mainly of retired or ex-soldiers and policemen who took their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and still believe that oath counts for something! As individual citizens we must ignore those false accusations and continue to resist this unconstitutional effort by the Left to impose their total dominance over our great America. We cannot give in to these political criminals!


President Trump showed us how to get it done and they couldn’t handle him so his destruction, by hook or crook, was employed. Anybody who doesn’t believe election fraud actually occur in those five important electoral states, is an ignorant fellow traveler and denier. In Georgia, that  includes twenty-six Republicans State Senators who refused to sign the petition to investigate the obvious fraud that occurred in the recent US Senatorial election here. They are: Butch Miller (R-Gainesville), John Albers (R-Roswell), Lee Anderson (R-Grovetown), Ellis Black (R-Valdosta), Dean Burk (R-Bainbridge), Bill Cowsert (R-Athens), Mike Dugan (R-Carrollton), Bill Heath (R-Bremen), Billy Hickman (R-Statesboro), Chuck Hufstetler (R-Rome), John Kennedy (R-Macon), Kay Kirkpatrick (R-Marietta), P.K. Martin IV (R-Lawrenceville), Jeff Mullis (R-Chickamauga), Chuck Payne (R-Dalton), Randy Robertson (R-Cataula), Jesse Stone (R-Waynesboro), Brian Strickland (R-McDonough), Carden Summers (R-Cordele), Blake Tillery (R-Vidalia), Larry Walker III (R-Perry), Ben Watson (R-Savannah), John Wilkinson (R-Toccoa), Frank Ginn (R-Danielsville), Lindsey Tippens (R-Marietta), and Renee Unterman (R-Buford). 


These Senators, not concerned if your vote was counted or not or the machines were rigged, gives the appearance that they have an allegiance to the New World Order (China’s) as did Gov Kemp, Lt. Gov. Duncan &. SoS Raffensperger!  These politicians can only remain in power if  Georgia voters allow it. They must all be removed from office. Conservatism can’t wait until the next election cycle. We forget too easily and they will continue to control the levers of election law. We were snookered by the promise of machine voting. Georgia politicians have been controlling our vote even before Gov Kemp spent $170 billion buying them. That just made it easier. Often they are used to remove uncooperative Senators or Representatives by simply running their own candidate who can be controlled. Its time we acknowledge the fact that in Georgia our elections are questionable and our politicians don’t want a system that is. 

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (21Feb21)

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